The Big Draw is an amazing festival that aims to reduce the phrase “I can’t draw”. The other side of it is to provoke people, and make them stay behind an idea they believe in, by creating posters. And there is no limitation in topics. It could be related with technology, economics, politics, culture.
As a student in DJCAD I had the opportunity to join this year’s festival and create a poster about my preference of drawing method – pixels or pencil. Unfortunately, I was not able to participate due to illness but later on I had a second chance to do it.
Me and three other students, that had missed the Big Draw, created a team and improvise our own little festival.
The first step was to define which of us is for pixels and which for pencil. We were 2 vs 2, and me personally I am a pencil artist, and here you can read my reasons why. However, the good thing was that each one of use, understand and respect the pros of either pixels or pencils. 

After that we search about famous slogans and provocative phrases, that we could modify to fit our topic. Pinterest was a great source as usual. Then each of us started to create his or hers own poster drafts. We all follow the idea of connection between the two medias. I wanted to recreate that the pencil is in the base of pixels, and all of that is just a natural evolution – there is no bad or good method.

Having a kind of clear ideas in our heads, each of us made a two posters. And here there are:
I could say that we all were influenced by the last module PSI, and put in our new knowledge into the posters.