Christmas card Recycle

In my previous blog post I shared how to make a beautiful Christmas card using different textures. I mentioned to you that you should save the excess so you could make a second card and here it is. This abstract card is beautiful and different, but still brings up the Christmas vibes with its colours and textures.

All you need:
> The excess from the previous card
> A cardstock for the base
> A pale colour of paper
> Ruler, scissors, glue

1. First, you need to choose the excess that could work. When you gather them together you will see the nice palette they create.

2. Then figure out the size of your base for the card and double it. Cut with these measurements from the cardstock for the base.

3. Make a line n the middle of this rectangle, using the scissors and the ruler. That way the paper will fold neatly. 

4.  Cut two rectangles or a squares from the pale colour paper with the same size. The size should be the same as the base, minus 1 cm from the length and the height. That way you will create a frame from 0.5 cm.

5. On the first piece of the pale colour paper, start arranging the excess.

6. When you are done, take a photo and start gluing. The photo will help you if you lose the shape. 

7. Glue the complete composition on the front of the card leaving the 0.5 frame from each side.

8. Finally, glue on the second piece of pale paper colour inside, where the text will be, so the wish could stand out better. And you are done!

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on IG with #yhour
and on my FB page!

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