PSI: Why Anthony Burrill?

Anthony Burrill is graphic artist, print-maker and designer.

His work is held in the permanent collections of some of the world biggest museums, and has been exhibited in galleries around the planet. Words and language are an important part of Burrill’s output and he has developed a distinctive voice that is sought after not only by collectors of his posters and prints but also by clients including Apple, Google, Hermés, British Council and London Underground. Burrill is perhaps best known for his typographic, text-based compositions, including the now-famous “Work Hard and Be Nice to People”, which has become a mantra for the design community and beyond. And that is the main reason I chose exactly him – the message behind his work.

The meaning of his art is definitely what attracted me to him.

The mind-set that is hiding behind these quotes is very close to mine and I could actually feel it. It is positive and joyful, makes you feel instantly happy with the text, colours and fonts used together. Burrill`s work is saturated with minimalistic thinking and life-style and you can tell that by some of his most famous pieces like: “Enough is enough”(don’t need more than you actually need), “Clear your head” (make a room for the important things, sift your thoughts) and even “Quality than Quantity” (do better than more). The kindness also finds its way in Burrill`s art. And to be kind is, I believe, is something that makes you find your inner piece and also helps you improve social relationships.

Overall, I find his work to be very motivational and to be very helpful and encouragement especially for designers. Which is one more incredible thing about his pieces – they are kind of dedicated to designer society, which I found as unusual. Designers usually create for the rest of the world but a designer that touches other designers hearts is definitely something worth it to be seen. That is why I chose DJCAD building as my exhibition venue.

Photos Source: A.B. Web page


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