PSI: The Exhibition venue


For my Anthony Burrill`s exhibition venue I chose the building of DJCAD

and more specify – Level 5 and 4.

To decide the venue for the exhibition was one of the most difficult tasks for this brief. I knew that I wanted something that is related with the designer community. I search for world`s best art places, museums and etc. However, non of them seemed to actually work for me and my idea, which was to motivate young designers-to-be like me. I believe, that Burrill`s work really wakes-up something not only in “art” people.

I think, that his pieces, with the bright meaning behind them, could be very encouragement and inspiring and this is the main reason why I chose to put them on Level 4 and 5, where is the main flow of DJCAD. And what best place to find and motivate designers than an art college?

However, I wanted to influence the people who are future DJCAD`s students. That is why I chose the date of this exhibition to includes The Open Day of the College. That way they could really feel the designer ambiance and also get some inspiration. And as a time period, I believe, that two weeks is the perfect amount, so everyone could see it and it could left remarkable mark in the young designers` minds.

And to be honest –

this place needs some of the Burrill`s colours! 


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