Pixels or Pencil?

“Seeing comes before words.”


After the module Ways of Making, next – Ways of Seeing, came. One of the most challenging things during the first week of this module was to get out of my comfort zone.

To work with Arduino and program a LED lamp was one of the tasks. I`ve always been avoiding electronics, coding and programming . I`ve never felt been good in this field. Of course, I was anxious during the process with Arduino, as well as kind of disinterested (mainly because I know that this isn’t my type of creating). However, I respect every aspect of creative work and gave it a chance. In fact, the work wasn’t very difficult and the process was enjoyable. After it finished, I was very proud of myself 😀 I have the chance to see and understand the opportunities this area of work provides. It was exciting to learn new things!

The main reason for me not preferring electronics and computers for creating a project is that I can not actually touch it. To navigate everything with mouse or even a touch pad doesn’t give me the same feeling as drawing, holding the pen, or touching the cardboard model. I like to learn as I touch. This is my way of understanding. The pen is like an extra part of my body that navigates itself and just follow my thinking and creative process happening in my mind. Drawing by hand is the fastest and best way to develop my ideas for me personally.

So… Pixels or Pencil?

Although I see the vast opportunities that electronics give
I still opt for hand drawing  and crafting.


And here it is my story board:

As well as photos of my prototype:

Smiling Turtle
Blushing Turtle


Whole size Turtles

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