Translating Form

Everything we can see and touch around us, that is not made by the nature,
is made by people.
Everything has been designed and constructed by someone.

Our first team task was exactly this – to make an object. We had to create a representative model of the Tizio lamp from cardboard, foamboard, dowel and other similar materials. It is seemed like an easy thing to do at first view but it is a real challenge actually. By constructing this lamp I realized how much work is put in everyday objects, work we usually do not see, do not appreciate. The biggest challenge of recreating this lamp was definitely making the weights work properly.

For me the idea behind this lamp is balance, simplicity and aesthetic pleasure.

I believe that designers should take an inspiration by nature and make products in balance with it. I take this individual task seriously and tried to create a lamp that brings in itself the idea of technology and nature at the same time. I start from the idea that we need lamps mostly inside where the sunlight (the natural source of light) comes trough windows.

That is why I made a window-looking lamp. It works with LED lights. When they are on the beautiful landscape appears and look like a window view.

Nature, Balance, Aesthetic

I wanted it to be as accurate as possible so I browsed Pinterest for some inspiration for the window and the picture inside. I wanted the window frame to be from a natural material which also have an aesthetical look and the perfect choice for me was a white wood. And for the landscape view I opt for a picture that is perfectly balanced. The threes from the both sides, the sky and the water, and of course the bridge and its perfect mirror reflection that create a circle.

Good construction, Neat appearance

Continuing straight to the making I started with the window frame. The measurements are 30×20 cm with 2 cm wide frame. It has a nice arch without any sharp edges. I cut out 4 piece like this and 1 which had no window inside for the base(where the LED lamps would be). I used foam board for the two out pieces and cardboard for the inside ones. This gave me nice structure and smooth surface on the out to work with later on.

Dimensions, Realness

For the landscape I wanted it to be in layers, so it is as natural as possible. I tried a lot of things to bring the dimension in but it didn’t work as I planned it. After a few attemps with different materials as clear tape, clear packaging, transparent paper and masking tape I come up with a solution. I used masking tape and put the layers on each other as starting from the sky and the water reflection, continuing with the rocks, then with the woods and finally was the bridge. The painting is just for the model and I didn’t try to be precise.

To assemble everything together I glue on the frame layers and right before the last one I put a sheet of clear packaging to represent the glass. I cover everything with masking tape to smooth out the surface and make some lines with marker to recreate the white wood. To complete the whole window-looking idea, I added a sill.

I am happy (but not surprised) that the lamp stands on its own and it is stable.


I made a roller switch from a bottle cap. That way the light level could be controlled. For the cable I made a box in similar way I made the wooden box from the day in the workshop. Inside I put a stick that is spining and I attached a ribbon (the cable) to it. The other side of the cable I attached to the plug made from foamboard. The idea is that the cable is self retractable. This reduce the clutter from long cables. It can also be just plugged in.

By making an overview I realize that I could put the cable inside the lamp, without making an extra box, as well as making holes on the back (just like the Tizio lamp) to prevent overwarming.


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