“Some people look for a beautiful place –
others make a place beautiful“
– Hazrat Inayat Khan
We were making objects in our first week and moving on to the next one it was obvious that something bigger is coming. So our second week task was to make a public place where people could interact and connect with each other. As a starting point we had to look around a specific public place in Dundee as small teams. We had to observe how this location is used by people and how they communicate with each other there; what is attractive about it and what not; what are the pros of it and what could be changed. By doing this task I understood something very important:
As a designer, the idea is not to make the most unpredictable and abstract thing, but to make it work for people. Because designers, architectures, creators are the mediators between art and people. They make practical art for as large as possible amount of people.
However, let me explain my concept. I started from the idea of multicultural life and how that connect people and enrich them. One of the most easy to accept part of every nation is the kitchen and traditional food. So, I was 100% sure that is what I want to made.
I opt for multicultural coulinaire fest that is temporal. I quickly sketched my ideas of having food caravans each of it for different country as well as placing some big П shaped tables and benches so everyone could sit to a stranger and make a new friendship.
It was a process of developing my ideas.
I continuing to sketch the main layout, what will be where, what I can add, what I should remove. I passed trough the idea of having a stage, which was a good addition but it seemed like going too further away from the main concept. I added some picnic benches and grass area which could connect some intimate groups like families and friends. And that was it…. at that moment I realized my brain is not used to provide plenty of fresh ideas and I need to search for inspiration.
Inspiration? but where? Oh, yeah… it`s everywhere!
I literally looked trough the window and realized that is raining, so I need a canopy for above the tables in case it is a bad weather!
There was a cool blackboard full of thoughts next to me and I wanted that in my project!
A girl on the other table was making a string art which is very creative and I knew I should include it!
I was hungry and went to the vending machines for a snack and realized that vending machines are providing food but in more easy way for people! And I should find a place for some in my project!
Inspiration is everywhere, in anything and anyone and we should just be open and observative for it.
I changed so many things
The most challenging part was the layout. Everything looks great when it is a sketch, but what`s the reality. When people enter the fest what are going to see; what will attract them and make them stay? These were some very important questions, which leaded me trough the whole process. That is why I used tracing paper for my layout so I could add, remove and move things easy. The thing that I loved in this project is that everything changed! Everything progressed and developed! In the process of working I changed so many things trying to thinking as a person who just entered the festival. I moved the interactive parts in the middle and also added some new ones. Then reduced the caravans to have more clean and neat look. And made more entrances.
And the final project:
- Three entrances to provide maximum flow. From each one the view is equal attractive.
- Three food caravans with a big table and bench in front of each one as well as a canopy over it. Every caravan is offering a food from different country. They are pushed to the back so the dirt from them wont be visible. The tables and benches are made as one piece so people could connect with each other. However, there are removable parts for people with disabilities to place their wheelchairs inside the benches. The canopy above is seeing trough so it could pass the sunlight but not the rain.♦
- Double sided vending machines which will provide snacks from different countries. They could be used from people inside the fest or just passing trough it on the outside. This will attract the walkers from the outside as well as giving some additional multicultural experiences for the percipients of the fest inside.♦
- Picnic benches and sit-on-the-grass areas to provide opportunities for more intimate groups as families and friends. ♦
- A clear board to write thoughts placed on the center between the picnic area and caravans. It makes a bearer but because it is clear it still brings the place together. ♦
- Honeycomb board to write stories and feelings on a paper and then attach them there with a string. This will save the good vibes to the place. Again, it is like a barrier but it is not. ♦
- Photo place on the both sides of the main entrance to take photo and capture the moment. ♦
- The photos will be hang out on a three in one of
the corners. This way people could see the photos of others while searching for theirs. ♦
♦ – Food
♦ – Sitting area
♦ – Interactive part
What I could do better next time?
I like the whole idea of this place. I really enjoyed the process of observing people and how they act in public places. However, my model is more like a layout and the idea what will be where instead of making a real 3D model. I should learn to work in small scale and represent the place as I am visualizing it so others could visualize it in the same way too.
A very good concept of bringing people together!
Thank you!