Autumn table decoration

It is the end of September and after the hot summer the fall is coming. I really like to bring the nature and its beauty in my home. That is why today I am sharing with you a project for home decoration. For me it represent the warmth and coziness of the autumn.

All you need:
> Plastic bottle
> Led candles
> Cardboard box or basket
> Decorative materials
> Spray paint and round stickers

1. Let`s start with the candle holders. My first idea was they to be from glass, but I couldn’t cut out the glass bottle. So I opt for plastic instead. It is good for the bottles to be in a nice shape without a lot of curves. And also they can be in colour.

2. To fit the led candles inside the bottles, you need to make a hole. However, don’t cut the whole bottom because the bottle won`t stay stable.

3. To make the candleholder more interesting stick some stickers in round shape on the bottle. I did it in a ombre effect – largest on the bottom, smallest on the neck. Then spray paint the whole bottle. That way when you remove the stickers there will be some nice little `windows`.

4. It is time to think about our basket. We are going to fit the candleholders in there. So it can be a pot, box, basket… I used a yogurt cardboard box.

5. Bring everything as decorative materials and put in the box. Try with some different textures and styles. And choose your ones.

6. Start arranging them in basket or box the way you want. You can easily attach them with stapler or double sided tape.

7. Let`s get back to our candleholder. When the paint is dry remove the stickers.

8. And because my stickers were actually a gripper pads for furniture they had a really nice texture. So I diced to save them and put them on my box.

9. When everything is almost done, think about some small details. These things really change the project and make them look better made.

10. Your last step is to arrange everything the way you want. Add some other decorative objects. Turn on the led candles and put them in the holders. And you are done!

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on IG with #yhour
and on my FB page!  



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