Unicorn cream

In this hot weather we all need something to cool and refreshing. In this post I share with you how easy to make super cute and sweet unicorn cream desert. It is colourful and perfect for Instagram photos and cool summer adventures.

All you need:
> 500 ml Whipping cream
> 100 ml Condensed milk
> Vanilla powder
> Food colouring
> Mixer
> Bowls and spoons
> A box from ice cream

1. Whip the cream in a big bowl using the mixer. When it is ready is should make soft peaks. I whipped a while liter and end up getting a 5 liters of cream. So you will be fine with just 500 ml.

2. Then add the condensed milk and the vanilla to the mixture and mix again well.
Quick tip—-> The vanilla flavor is stronger when the cream is freshly whipped than after it is frozen.

3. Separate the mixture into five bowls and leave one part in the mixing bowl. That way we will make the colours and the leaved mixture will be the white.

4. Then add a few drops of the food colournig to every bowl . You can make them as pastel or as opaque as you want.
Side note: In the photo the amount of the colour is way too much! This is because I am using a different method simply because in my country is difficult and a kind of expensive to find food colouring.

5. Then mix the colours with the cream. You will be satisfied while doing this. The texture is so fluffy and colours are pleasing! Remember to have a different spoon for every colour.

6. Start placing the colours in the ice cream container. You can do it with a patern or randomly.

7. Add some sprinkles to decorate.

8. Put in in the freezer and leave it for about 8 hours and you are done!

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on IG with #yhour
and on my FB page!

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