Chocolate hearts with Oreo filling

The Valentine’s day is coming soon! That is why I present you a sweet idea for quick and easy chocolate hearts with Oreo filling. My cooking skills are quite modest but that don`t stop me to experiment and improve in that field. I advise you always to do what you like no matter you are good at it or not so much.

All you need:
> 24 Oreo cookies
> 150 gr cream cheese
> Chocolate, high quality
> Blender/Chopper
> Heart shaped cookie cutter
> Tray and cooking paper

Choco hearts Oreo filling1. Always start with clean hands! That helps you to prepare mentally for the new project. Your first step is to crushed the cookies in the blender.

Choco hearts Oreo filling2. Then add the cream cheese. If you diced that 150 gr are too little add some more.

Choco hearts Oreo filling3. Blend them together. You should have nice mixture as smooth as it could be. You may need more time at this step, it depends on how powerful is your blender.

Choco hearts Oreo filling4. Put a piece of the cooking paper over a tray. Then lay down the mixture over the sheet. Try to make its as even as you can. Don`t do it too thin.

Quick tip —> You can use cooking spatula dipped in warm water for smoother result.

Choco hearts Oreo filling5. Put the tray in the fridge or freezer for the mixture to get harden.

Choco hearts Oreo filling6. Then start cutting off hearts with heart shaped cookie cutter. When you finished cutting the dough get the pieces that are left and mix them together. Make another layer of the mixture and cut more hearts. That way you won`t loose any product. Put the hearts in the freezer again.

Choco hearts Oreo filling7. Just before you get the tray out the freezer, melt your chocolate. I used natural chocolate for cooking and that way the sweets didn`t turn out too sweet. You can melt the chocolate in the microwave or with double boil method. Get out the hearts and put them on another sheet of cooking paper or aluminum foil. Then add some melted chocolate over the hearts, individually for each one. Be aware to not use too much chocolate or otherwise it will spread all around the hearts. This will ruin the right hear shape. Put them in the fridge for the last time and you are done!

Choco hearts Oreo filling

Choco hearts Oreo filling


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