Style an uncoomon accessories

Every person has struggles in the process of finding his/her own style. I had been criticized a lot because of my clothing choice throughout the years. However, I notice that there is way more tolerance towards the style of people, recently. I am glad that more and more people feel free to express themselves however they like. But I am sure that there are still people that are afraid to wear their favorite clothes because of what others would think. That is the reason why I am writing this post. I want to show you that there is a way to wear your favorite accessories, even if they are not so common, and be stylish at the same time. All you need is confidence and creativity!

HTS - uncommon accsThe star of this outfit is this wolf hat. If you look it by itself it is very interesting and funny but also not so typical. At first, you could think that is impossible to put it in a good looking outfit. But the one thing you need to do is just to analyze the hat and it features . The two main advantages of this hat are that it is grey/black and it is with faux fur. Neutral colours never get old-fashioned and the fur is perfect for the season.

HTS - uncommon accsThe whole look that I created is very simple, but the simple is always a good choice. You don’t want to overdo the outfit. I keep up with the neutral colours. I chose a dark grey coat with faux fur on the hood. The coat is with a straight line, which is more suitable for that look I believe, but there is a belt on the waist, which makes the idea of a thinner waist. The feminine look is always trendy. The faux fur on the hood match with the hat. I added a scarf in grey, white and black.

HTS - uncommon accsI completed the look with black tights and black high ankle boots. Instead of tights you can put on dark jeans. Shoes choice depends on your personal preferences. I think that the trendy knee high boots will go perfectly with that look. I would add a classic black square bag but this also depends on you. There are various of combination here. 

screenshot-2017-01-06-20-43-02Because the weather outside is very cold I add gloves in the same colour scheme. They are with cut out fingers but go all the way till the armpit, which assures more protection and they keep you warm.

Finally, I completed the look with very natural mat make-up. It is very natural look (as you can see on the photo) but still highlights on the important features. I use only mat colours. For the eyes I chose brown shadows with grey undertone and I put them only in the crease(it is really hard to tell from the photo). I contour my face but I didn’t apply any highlight. For the lips I chose a grey mat liquid lipstick with a purple HTS - uncommon accsundertone. That way I complete the whole outfit with one of the hottest trends. By doing that you make the look more acceptable even with uncommon accessories. Eventually, I straight up my hair to follow the straight line of the outfit.

And most important – wear your fav clothes with confidence!HTS - uncommon accs HTS - uncommon accs

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