Quick nailpolish remover

quick nail polish removerIn the cold season we choose darker colours for our nails. But dark colours are harder to be removed. This little jar with a sponge and a nail polish remover inside was my help in these situations. However, because it expired I had to make my own. This method is practical, saves time and money.

 All you need:
> Small glass jar with lid
> Very soft sponge
> Nail polish remover
> Scissors

quick nail polish remover1. First find suitable materials. I look the original sponge from the jar to see what I am searching for. You need a very soft sponge. I bought set of two, which has also a wooden stick with them (they should be like an icecream). That way I could use the sticks for another project.

quick nail polish remover2. Then I look for the content of the original nail polish remover jar. I searched for a nail polish remover with similar content because I am sure that there is different ones – ones more professional and others not so efficient.

quick nail polish remover3. Divide the sponge in two parts using the sponge.

quick nail polish remover4. Roll one of the parts and put it in the glass jar. Make sure it is tightly packed inside the walls.

quick nail polish remover5. Repeat with the other half. Make sure that there is a nice hole between the two parts in the middle of the jar. May be you won`t need the two parts. This depends on how big is your sponge and your jar.

quick nail polish remover6. Put some of the nail polish remover inside the jar. The sponge should expend a little bit when you do that. Close the jar with the lid and shake it a little bit. And you are done. Dip your finger inside and turn your finger. You can add fresh nail polisher once in a while.

Test time: I chose to test it with dark blue and dark brown nail polish, and also the two  most difficult nail polish colours – red and glitteryquick nail polish remover

As you can see it did its job excellent. The one exception is the glitter nail polish but I am sure that with one more dip it will be removed completely as well.     quick nail polish remover

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