Lip scrub

Our skin needs care throughout the whole year, but in the cold seasons we need something more. I believe that when our body is cleaned, moisturized and healthy, we feel prettier and more confident, even without any make-up. That’s why I present you this idea for lip scrub perfect for autumn and winter.

All you need:
> Sugar
> Honey
> Natural oil

Sugar plays the role of exfoliant and smooth out the chapped lips. Smooth lips are perfect base for matt lipsticks, which are such a trend. I choose to use brown sugar because it has softer texture.

Honey helps in creating smooth, beautiful skin. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It is perfect for dry and chapped lips.

The last ingredient is a natural oil. I used argan oil but you can use olive, almond, orange oil. Everything that you have at home works.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl. I don’t have any exact measurement but I use around one table spoon sugar, one table spoon honey and a half table spoon oil. Don’t put too much oil to the mixture.

Mix well and transfer the mixture into small container. You can clean one from an old lipbalm or buy a new one. I used this one, which is from a travel kit.

I found out that the best way to apply the scrub to your lips is by using a cotton swab or the flat side of a cotton make-up applicator. Rub it gentle in your lips an leave it for a couple of minutes.

The best way to remove it`s by using a wet cloth.

Don`t forget to share with me your recreations on Instagram with #yhour


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