School backpack for travelers

School is already here! And today I present you how to add some travel vibes to your bts-backpackbackpack. In this post I show you how to make a clothing patch like a license plate. Few weeks ago I was just browsing Facebook and I saw for a sec an ad about bags and backpacks. And one of the pictures really amazed me. There was a license plate next to the backpack. And the idea just came out in my mind. Car plates and backpacks are related with traveling, but backpack also reminds of school. So, if you are a student, but you love to travel, this is the perfect DIY for you!

All you need:
> A backpack
> Black and white felt fabric
> Glue and/or a needle and thread
> Scissors, ruler and a pencil
> Watercolours

BTS - backpack1. Choose the place to put your clothing patch. I chose to put in on my front pocket. Take the measurements of your place (pocket). Mine was 23×12 cm.

BTS - backpack2. Cut a rectangle from the black fabric with this size. Then cut a piece from the white felt fabric but just one cm smaller (22x11cm). I used license plates from California and Hawaii for inspiration. Originally, they are with round edges so I rounded mine, too.

BTS - backpack3. Then choose the size of your numbers and letters. Fortunately, I had already have plastic templates with numbers and letters in my home. Outline and cut out your own.

bts-backpack-collage4. I chose to write Y 40 ur. This is like the #yhour with witch you can share with me your recreations in Instagram. When you rotate the number 4 it becomes into a little letter H, and zero is like an O. So the text is actually : Yhour, the short version of Yoana`s hour.

BTS - backpack5. I decided to make some colour splashes on the white part. I was inspired by some real license plates with rainbows on them. And also there is a house in my neighborhood with a car plate from Hawaii with beautiful landscape on it. I wanted to recreate that feeling. To draw on your patch you will need watercolours. The best way to do it is first to put some water on the felt fabric. Then with the tip of the paint brush dipped in a colour, just touch the wet surface.

BTS - backpack6. Waite the fabric to dry and glue the letters and numbers on it. I made few experiments and found out that glue gun works best with felts. But make some tries too and chose the best glue for you! To put the letters and numbers in a straight line I used ruler. Then glue the white fabric with letters on the black one.

BTS - backpack7. Finally, sew the clothing patch to the backpack. Of course, you can glue it, but sewing you can always remove it and put in somewhere else. And you are done!

bts-backpack-walk-behind BTS - backpack BTS - backpack BTS - backpack

And don’t forget to share with me your recreations on Instagram with #yhour


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