Watch, bracelet & ring stand

My boyfriend really likes to wear a watch and a ring, but he hasn’t got a place in his room to store them during the night. That’s why I made him a jewelry stand! I wanted it to be useful and to match his room décor too. His room is bright, very minimalistic, with grey walls and the furniture are from dark wood with silver accents. That’s why I made the stand with marble base and silver cone. You can make it as you wish!

All you need:
> Plaster and water
> Thick paper, compasses, scissors and stapler/double sided tape/white glue
> White glue and sponge
> Acrylic or tempera paint and paint brush.
> Sandpaper
> Square or round container, which you can easy brake (Can or foam bowl)

Watch, bracelet & ring stand1. Make a half-circle on the paper, using the compasses.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand2. Cut it out.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand3. Shape it in a cone form. To do that just take the two edges of the half-circle, put one of them above the other and thigh well.
Quick tip —> If you have a little hole on the top of the cone like me, just fill it with white glue, and paint it later.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand4. And eventually, secure the cone with tape or glue. I used a stapler, because I think it gives a character to the stand.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand5. For the next step you will need a container, round or square, which you don`t mind braking. I use a foam bowl. The size of your container will be the size of the stand base, so choose wisely.
Quick tip —> If you want, you can use a normal bowl, just wrap it with stretch film.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand6. It is time to make the plaster mixture. Start mixing the plaster and the water together. I don’t have any exact measurements, but I tried not to make it too liquid. This will be the stand base, so make sure you are happy with the size and the high.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand7. When you are ready, smooth out the surface. Add the cone in the center. Smooth again. Make sure everything is even.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand8. Leave it dry. When it is ready, remove it from the container. If you are using a foam cup just brake it. It`s easy. If you are using a can, cut it with scissors. And sandpaper it, until you have nice and smooth surface.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand9. For the next step you will need a white glue and a piece of sponge dipped in water. Put some glue on the sponge and apply it all over the base. That way you will have nice in touch surface.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand10. While waiting to dry, paint the cone, using sponge and acrylic or tempera paint. That way you will have a nice texture.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand11. Use a paint brush for the difficult to reach areas.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand12. Paint the base. I made it white.

Watch, bracelet & ring stand13. And then I added, grey and black streaks. To have a blur and faded effect I use my fingers. For me, the most important part of making a marble is layering. Make some dark streaks, then add over them some white paint and repeat. And that`s it! You are done!

Watch, bracelet & ring stand Watch, bracelet & ring stand Watch, bracelet & ring standWatch, bracelet & ring stand

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on Instagram with #yhour


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