Donut card

I present you super cool and funny idea for a birthday card. It`s perfect for that one friend who cannot live without sweet.

All you need:
> Thick paper with light brown colour or similar
> Different types of paper
> Scissors, x-acto knife, compasses and a glue

donut card1. First find your base colour paper. I used a cream colour cardstock paper. Draw two equal circles, next to each others, using the compasses. This will be the donut base.

donut card2. Cut them out by making a connection between them.

donut card3. Make a smaller circle in the center with the same center point as the bigger one, using compasses. This will be the hole of the donut. Cut it out using the x-acto knife. Repeat this step for the other part of the donut card. But do not work both sides at the same time. The paper is thick and the cutting won`t be nice and even.

donut card4. Outline the donut shape on other paper. This will be your glaze. I made mine from hot pink foam paper. And cut it out.

donut card5. Cut one of the edges of the donut base like it was bitten.

donut card6. Cut the glaze the same way.

donut carddonut carddonut card7. Frizzle the edges of the glaze for more realistic effect.

donut card8. Cut bunch of little pieces from other paper. I used yellow, white and blue suede paper. This will be your decorative sugar flakes.

donut card9. Glue them on the glaze and then glue the glaze on the base. And you are done!

donut card donut card

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on Instagram with #yhour 


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