Watercolour map decoration

 The world is big and its wonders are waiting to be rediscovered . Nowadays, the idea of borders, that can not be passed, fades and travelling becomes affordable to more people . Whether for a business trip, family vacation, charity or self-discovery, the road always offers us more than we can imagine and realize. I give you an idea how to bring this vibes in your home.
All you need:
> World map template
> Watercolours
> Paper suitable for watercolours
> Paint brush, water, tape

watercolour map decoration1. Print template with world map or a chosen country. I found my in Internet and divided into two because I used a large sheet.

watercolour map decoration2. Cut out the interior of continents, so to rest only their outlines.
watercolour map decoration3. Secure the template on your list. I used tape because the sheet allowed me.
watercolour map decoration4. Start filling the interior of continents using a brush dipped in more water than usual before taking a colour. You can use one colour, and tone it depending on the amount of water you use. Or like me – to use many colours. To have a good watercolour effect, pass over the border of the two colors with a brush dipped in water.

watercolour map decoration5. Make the islands on hand.

watercolour map decoration6. Remove the template and you are done! The size of my painting was too large and unusual to put it in a frame , but if you have such a possibility this will surely finished this decoration.

watercolour map decoration watercolour map decoration watercolour map decoration

And don`t forget to share with me your creations on Instagram with #yhour

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