Summer phone case

The phone case is no longer jus a practical addition to our smartphones. It`s an accessory which shows our personality. But unfortunately, there are phones which don’t have cases for them. I learned it the hard way. I tried with different designs, which I put bellow a clear case, but this wasn’t enough for me. I decided to make my own case and also to have 3D accent. The process of decision about the material I used was long and by that I change my phone. I bought it, after I made a research about the cases it come with. But I still wanted to make my own case. I decided to be in summer theme.
I hope you will like it!

All you need:
> Air dry clay
> Stretch film
> Phone case
> Acrylic or tempera paint and paint brush
> Clay roller, knife and mat

summer case1. Cut a piece from the clay.

summer case2. Shape it in a ball.

summer case3. Roll out it over your mat. It should be large enough to cover the whole phone case.

summer case4. Cover the whole case with stretch film.

summer case5. Put the rolled out clay over the covered case. Shape it with your fingers. Cut the excess.

summer case6.  Make the hole for the buttons, microphone, camera, and all you need. Fore the buttons on the side of the phone I left a one big rectangle.

summer case7. You can choose whatever accent and design you want. I chose to be a pineapple. Roll out a little piece of the clay. Shape it n oval form, but make the bottom flatter. Make the streaks, using the knife. Let everything to dry.

summer case8. Start painting the case. I made an `ombre` effect, using a sponge. Paint the pineapple too. Make some darker spots to be more realistic. Glue it on the case and draw the leaves. Make some yellow ones and lighter ones to have a good effect. And you are done!

summer casesummer case

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on Instagram with #yhour 

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