Summer hair decoration

Summer is here and the beautiful sea is all we are seeking for. We want so save this atmosphere for longer and that’s why the summer vibes are represented in our appearance too. I present you a super easy idea how to complete your summer outlook.

All you need:
> Small hair comb
> Bobbypins
> Little seashell, mini rapana and seastones
> Hot glue gun
> Paint and paint brush

summer hair decoration1. I’m sure that we all keep some seashells somewhere in our houses. Found them and look through them well. Choose those who are as flat as possible.

summer hair decoration2. Once you have chosen them, decide how you arrange them. For the bobbypins choose those shells that you can easily glue on. The  small haircomb  has a larger area, so there is more opportunity for creative decoration.

summer hair decoration3. I chose to paint my seashells. You can do it with acrylic paint, as I did, or with nail polish. You can make different techniques like ombre  or gradient. While painting the seashells, make sure to don`t layer a lot the paint. That way you will still have the natural pattern of the seashells. I did mine with gold acrylic paint, using a piece of sponge.

summer hair decoration4. While waiting for the seashells to dry, start decorating the comb. You can paint it, of course, but I chose to leave it how it was. Start gluing the seashells form the center to the ends, using the hot glue gun.

summer hair decoration5. I chose one big seashell for the center and smaller ones for the rest. Try to make the symmetrical.

summer hair decoration6. When the paint is completely dry, glue them to the bobbypins.

summer hair decoration7. Took the front parts of your hair (these above your ears) and put them in a little ponytail. Put you index finder and thumb between the formed ponytail and your head, making a little hole.  Took your ponytail with your fingers and loop it trough the hole. Now you have twist ponytail. You can repeat this step till you have a nice half hair crown. Secure with a bobbypin. Decorate with your new hair decorations and you are done!

summer hair decoration summer hair decoration summer hair decoration summer hair decoration

 Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on Instagram with #yhour

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