Summer cut out T-shirt

 Summer is the perfect time for experiments! Especially with clothes and styles. I present you an idea for summer T-shirt , perfect for the beach, pool or just hot days. Extremely comfortable . Easy to make and personalise. Let’s begin:
All you need:
> T-shirt
> Paper (I used self-adhesive paper for easier process)
> Scissors and pencil

summer cut out T-shirt1. Start by choosing your T-shirt. For the best results use some stretchy fabric. I chose men T-shirt with cool print from tricot fabric.
summer cut out T-shirt2. I bought it from a thrift store so it wasn`t in perfect condition and had a stain on one of the sleeves. Si I cropped both sleeves and slightly stretched the fabric. If you want you can short it to crop top.
summer cut out T-shirt3. Then cut a geometric figure from the paper. I chose a square, but you can use triangle or diamond … depends on the effect you want. The amount  of figures also depends entirely on you. If you decide to use big square, like me, you can use a sticky note for a template. I used self-adhesive paper for easy and precise process.
summer cut out T-shirt4. Start to outline your template on the shirt. You can choose to make it on the entire back or only 1/3 of it, the front part or the entire shirt.
summer cut out T-shirt5. I chose to cut the front just few inches down from the collar bones and a line from the back as well. You can also include the shoulders. It all depends on the size of your shirt. I STRONGLY recommend to put on  the T-shirt before making a final decision for the location of the holes shirt.
summer cut out T-shirt6. Start cutting the holes. And again – before cutting each hole, put the T-shirt on. In that way you won`t regret it later.

summer cut out T-shirt7. I had decided the big part of the sleeves to be cut, but after I put the t-shirt on I chose not to do it. And you are done!

summer cut out T-shirtsummer cut out T-shirt

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on Instagram with #yhour

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