Pepper spray

It`s summer and we stay out late. For a girl that means more dangerous situations. In cases like that ALWAYS ask somebody to escort you to your house. Even it is a girl. Two girls are stronger than one! And if there is no one who can be your company, avoid the little streets. Choose a well-illuminated way. And for more security, I present you how to make a pepper spray. And you already have all the ingredients.   

All you need:
> 1 tbs of Cayenne Pepper
> 1 tbs of Black Pepper
> 3 tbs of Lemon Juice
> 2 tbs of Water
> 1 tbs of Oil
> Little spray bottle

pepper spray1. Mix all ingredients without the oil. The amount of liquid product can vary depending on how big is your bottle.

pepper spray2. Strain the mixture.

pepper spray3. Add the oil.

pepper spray4. Pour the mixture in the bottle and shake well.

pepper spray5. You can decorate it how you want. I used contact paper.

pepper spray6. I chose to make a white quote ` You never know how strong you are ` with black background. Remember! If you will use letter, write them on the back of the contact paper mirrored.  Don’t make my mistake!

pepper spray

And don`t forget to share your recreations with me on Instagram with #yhour

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