Light canvas

In the dark almost spring days, we need something to light up our daily round, to bring some cozy atmosphere. I present you one good solution. Idea for a light canvas. I know that the most people are scary to make a painting, but I did my best to explain step by step everything! I chose my canvas to be with dandelion, because it bring some fresh and calm mood.

All you need:
> Acrylic or oil paints
> Canvas
> X-acto knife
> Paint brushes and a pencil
> LED lights

light canvas1. Start by choosing your canvas size and the lights arrangement. Think about what you will draw on your canvas and do you have enough lights.

light canvas2. Sketch the dandelion with a pencil. First, draw a circle to see the exact place of the dandelion. I did mine at one of the corners. Then mark its center with an oval. This is the round seed head, but because of our view point it is more like an oval than a circle. Start drawing the seeds around the center in a multilevel pattern. Don’t be too precise! This is only a sketch.

light canvas3. Then add the rest of the seeds. For more movement, draw them in different positions.

light canvas4. Then paint the whole canvas, leaving only the center of the dandelion white. I choose a black paints. It`s very suitable, because working with black and white is always an easy task. You can very quick undo any mistake. If you are using oil paint, you will need more time for everything to dry.

light canvas5. Don’t worry if somewhere you have a layering of the paint. That’s a very good effect. It gives texture and dynamic to the canvas.

light canvas6. Add some more colours, while the black paint is still wet. Choose your colours according to the atmosphere you want to bring with this canvas. Do this step with the brush, which still has some black paint on it. That way the blending will be easier.

light canvas7. Start making the seeds with white paint by tapping motions of the brush for the upper part and just one quick move for the rest.

light canvas8. Use grey paint, too. That way you will have depth.

light canvas9. When everything is completed, make a little holes in the upper part of the seeds. Then put the lights in these holes. And you are done!

light canvas

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on Instagram with #yhour

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