Clothing patch

Walking in Strasbourg, I have the opportunity to visit shops which we don`t have in my country, and also to touch the latest trends (and of course to be inspired by them). I saw amazing but also very expensive things that I definitely can do myself. I had only carry-on luggage so I couldn`t shop as much as I would like to but this didn`t stop me to visit all the shops. One of the shops that impress me was MANGO. There was beautiful springclothes patch collection. But one of the things I saw at the checkout was a pack of clothing patches. Somehow I sensed that this will be a great trend soon and that was my proof. And I always trust my intuition so I was preparing this DIY for a long time. The thing that had made me do my own clothing patches was that I wanted some on my backpack. But they are too expensive. But seeing them at MANGO pushed me to show you this DIY!

All you need:
> Needle and embroidery thread
> Embroidery fabrick
> Milimetric paper
> Needle and thread for sewing
> White glue and instant glue
> Scissors and colour pens/ markers

clothes patch clothes patch1. The first thing that you should do is to choose exactly what picture you want to do. I personally chose to be an alien. Since little I`m keen on aliens and all mysteries about them, and they are such a trend also

clothes patch2. On the milimetric paper, with squares and crosses in different colors draw your chosen image.

clothes patch3. Thread your embroidery needle and thread and just follow your pattern doing cross-stitch on the embroidery fabric. I’m sure I had learned this at school, but I can not explain it clear enough so I tried to find the most appropriate image on the Internet, which explains how it works, if you do not know. I want to thank my sister who helped me with the embroidery part. I can`t sew at all.

clothes patch4.
Once you are done put the embroidered figure on a mat that you don’t mind to ruin.

clothes patch5.
Cover the entire embroidered  picture with white glue. This way the figure will be protected.

clothes patch6. While waiting for it to dry apply instant glue on the edges of the picture. So neither fabric nor the thread will untie.

clothes patch7. When everything is dry, repeat the step with the white glue at the back side.

clothes patch8. Cut with scissors close to the figure. If you want you can do like me and leave a little more fabric.

clothes patch9. It is time to stich it on your backpack. And you are done! 

clothes patch

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