
Recently, the healthy life-style becomes more and more common. And there is nothing wrong with that. However, the majority of people believes that a healthy life-style requires a lot. Actually, a few little steps every day is enough. I believe that persistence is the key, because we need 21 days to create a habit and 90 days to transform it to a life-style. One of the major aspect is definitely the food. That is why in this blog post I present you a few ideas for a fresh start of the day or a good afternoon snack.

smoothieALWAYS wash the fruits first.

The first smoothie recipe is actually very popular. In the begging I thought that I wouldn’t like it but after I tried it I loved it! And it is so refreshing!

> Spinach (I used baby spinach)
> Milk
> Honey
> Banana

Cut the ingredients and put them in a chopper or blender to mix them.

Quick tip —> I don’t have any exact measurements but of you use one cup of milk you will end up with a smoothie, which is a little over one glass.


Next recipe is for a very common and favorite flavor – strawberry and banana!


> Strawberries
> Banana
> Milk
> Honey

This one is my favorite! It makes a nice mousse on the top which makes the smoothie with even lighter texture. However, if you fancy something denser, you can add yoghurt.

Quick tip —> Use low fat milk. It is healthier and it helps the ingredients to mix better.


I was afraid to try the last one but now I am i love with it!

> Orange
> Banana
> Milk
> Honey
> Vanilla

I don’t like the pulps of the orange but mixed with the banana it becomes a very good combination. Even more the vanilla neutralizes the citrus flavor and make a very nice delicate taste.



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