Contour and highlight stick

More and more girls are experimenting with their make-up. And me as well.
The contour and highlight are increasingly common and I decided to try this technique. I made a little research and I found out that the powder highlighter and contour is better for a greenie like me and also for an every day make-up. But after awhile I  decided that I want to try the cream contour and highlight too but also I don`t want to spend too much money on something that I`m not so sure about. And I figured out a solution – I`ll make it by myself. I present you a really cheap and easy way to make your own contour and highlight sticks:

All you need:
> A lipbalm
> Dark brown matte eyeshadow
> White or champagne shimmery eyeshadow
> A clean lipstick/lipbalm container

contour highlight stick DIY1. Put out all of the lipbalm using a knife or a toothpick. Melt it in a microwave oven. For the contour stick I recommend a no-colour lipbalm.

contour highlight stick DIY2. Choose an eyeshadow. It should be cool brown shade. Avoid using eyeshadows with orange undertone. Using toothpick shredding the eyeshadow.

contour highlight stick DIY3. Mix the eyeshadow with melted lipbalm. And put it again in microwave.

contour highlight stick DIY4. You should have very smooth mixture. If you think that you need more mixture just melt another lipbalm and ad more eyeshadow.

contour highlight stick DIY5. You should prepare your lipstick container. If you have a little hole inside it you shoulde fill it. If you don`t do it you will have a big mess and you won`t be able to use your contour stick (there won`t be anything like contour stick!). I`m glad that I had some troubles and failures so now I can tell you the resolutions.

DSCF19706. To avoid the mess simple fill the hole with a layer of unmelted lipbalm ot lipstick or like in my case – concealer.

contour highlight stick DIY7. Twist in the lipbalm/lipstick container and fill it withe the melted mixture. Put it in the freezer for about 10 min. I know that it look horrible and scary but trust me later on it will become better. And also this is homemade contour stick – you can`t have hight expectations!

contour highlight stick DIY1. I was lucky to had this shimmery pink lipbalm in my house for my highlight!

contour highlight stick DIY2. I chose a white shimmery eyeshadow with a little bit of champagne one just because I want I really natural and warm finish.

contour highlight stick DIY3. This time I did a diferent technique for melting the balm. Cover a big spoon with alm. foil, put the lipbalm inside and set it over a candle. This method take a bit more time but I found it better for contoling the whole melting procces.

contour highlight stick DIY4. Put the mixture in a container but first don`t forget to fill the hole! Put it in a freezer for around 10 min and you are done with your brand new homemade super cheap highlight stick!

contour highlight stick DIYHighlighter is usually aplied on the uppest part of the cheekbones, under the eyebrows, on the tip of the nose and just a little over the upper lip. During my night routine I foound a really easy trick how to found the perfect place of the highlighter. Moisturize your clean face with a face cream and look in the mirror. Shake slowly your head and you will se the most shimmery parts of your cheeks. 

The contour is used to bold the natural shadows of your face. So in that way you can slip your face. Because every person has a diferent face-shape the place where the contour should be applied depends. But the most basic parts are right under cheekbones, temples. Also nose and jawline. You can bled out the product with make-up brush or your fingers. Experiment! (and don`t forget to share with me your creations with #yhour)

contour highlight stick DIY contour highlight stick DIY

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