Christmas canvas

I wanted something diffrent and modern for decoration this Christmas. So looked for inspiration wondering through the shops and of course – Pinterest. And finally I found it! So let`s start:

All you need:
> A lot of glitter
> Tempera or acrylic paints and paint brush
> Canvas
> Cardboard
> Scissors
> Masking type
> White glue (C200)
> Hair spray

DSCF17051. Start with the base. We are going to make stripes so first choose the colours and the size of each colour. I made red(the biggest one), white(the middle one) and green(the smallest one.) Start with putting one stripe of masking type for the red colour on the canvas in the width. Then put an other one again for the red colour. Then put third strype for the white colour. And finally leave a speace about 1-1.5 cm for the green colour. And repeat – one for the white, two for the red, one for the white, a space for the green. And repeat until you are done with covering the canvas. In that way we are going to have really good stripes with cleand edges.

Quick tip —> Mark each stripe of masking type with a colour marker just to be more easy for you and not get any mistakes.

DSCF17072. Colour the left spaces with green paint and if it`s necessary repeat for better results.

DSCF17103. Then remove all the stripes respond for the red colour. In their place paint with red.

DSCF17134. When it`s all dry remove the last stripes and you will got clean red, white and green stripes. We are not painting with white because the canvas is already white and it`s not necessary.

69b89d72538992b2d13fb65a17441b625. For the deer head first you need a template. You can draw one or like me using this one. I think that using a ready-made one is more quicker. Resize it to fit to your canvas size, print it and cut it.

DSCF17096. Outline it on the cardboard and cut it.

Quick tip —> Because cutting cardboard is a hard-work just work and cut in small pieces.

DSCF17167. Paint all the head in gold or the colour of your chose and wait it to dry.

DSCF17178. Cover it with the white glue. I did it with mi finger because in that way I can reach all little section of the head and I can be sure that they are covered with glue. Quckly cover the head with even layer of glitter. Wait it to dry well and spray some hair spray to fix the glitter in place.

DSCF17499. Glue the deer`s head on the canvas and decorate the room with it!

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