Champagne jelly

What more in the New Year`s Eve spirit than a champagne?! I`m presenting you a super easy, quick and and tasty idea for champagne mini jellys! So let`s get start it:

All you need:
> A bottle of champagne
> Gelatin (for me 10 gr gelatin is for 500 ml fluid so I need 2 pckt for the whole bottle)
> Bowl and a tray
> Baking flavouring
> Form for cookies

New year`s eve champagne jelly1. Put the gelatin in a cup…

New year`s eve champagne jelly…and fill the cup with water.

DSCF18622. Put a bigger cup filled in half with water on the heat an put in it the cup with the gelatin. Stir and wait till the gelatin mix is clear.

New year`s eve champagne jelly3. Put the champagne in a big bowl.

New year`s eve champagne jelly4. Choose a baking flavouring. I recommend to be lemon or orange, but you can choose whatever you want. I chose an orange. Put the half of one mini bottle in the bowl with the champagne.

New year`s eve champagne jelly5. When the gelatin is ready mix it with the champagne and the baking flavoring.

New year`s eve champagne jelly6. Put the half of the mixture in a tray. Small tray = bigger jellies. Put the tray in a freezer for 10 min.

Quick tip —> Before putting the mixture in the tray, prepared the tray with cold water. In that way you can easier remove the jelly from the tray.

New year`s eve champagne jelly7. Get it out form the freezer and add some orange and lemon peels or some nuts…

New year`s eve champagne jelly8. Then pour the other half of the mixture in the tray. Put it again in the freezer.

New year`s eve champagne jelly9. When It`s ready get it out from the freezer, turn it upside down over a clean surface (foil or another tray…)

Quick tip —> Before turn the tray upside down, first put in a warm water. In that way you will easier remove the jelly from the tray.

New year`s eve champagne jelly10. Choose your form for cookies and cut it in the forms. Or you can just cut it in cubes. (I`m sure that I cut perfect cubes 🙁 May be it`s because while i was cutting them I was watching them from other angle – WHEN YOU CUT THE CUBES WATCH FROM ABOVE.)

New year`s eve champagne jelly New year`s eve champagne jellyThe rest jelly, from cutting in forms, you can put in a open glass or cup. It`s also a very  inetesrting way to serve it.

Don`t forget to show me your champagme jellies on instagram with #yhour

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