Honey bread

21 November is Orthodox Christian Family Day. Because it is in the period of the Advent Fast, food of animal origin is not allowed. But there are some exceptions like honey. I`m not religious but I really like the idea of a family day. I think that we should spend more time with our closest realatives and friendsEven if you don’t like the idea of this holiday, you can still have some fun in the kitchen. I chose to present you this recipe because it is very easy. Let`s begin:

All you need:
> 1 pkst yeast
> 1 tea spoon sugar
> 1 soup spoon salt
> 1/2 l warm water
> about 1 kg flour

collage1. Mix the yeast, salt, sugar, 4-5 soup spoons of  flour and the water in a big bowl.

DSCF16512.  Stir till you have thoose bibbles in the mixture. Leave it for 5 min.

DSCF16533.  Add the rest of the flour.

DSCF16544. Take the dough out of the mixing bowl and put it on clear floured surface.Knead until you get a medium hard dough.

DSCF16555. Put the dough in a fridge for min 12 hours.

DSCF16596. Separate the dought into a few small pieces

DSCF16606.1. and roll them out with 1-1.5 cm thickness.

DSCF16617. Daub some yolk to them.

DSCF16648. Put them in an oily pan. Set the oven to medium heat and bake them for 15 min.

DSCF16659. When they are ready pour some honey on the baked mini breads.


Enjoy them and share them with your closest relatives and friends!


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