
Daenerys Targaryen – one breathtaking beauty! Since I’m recreating the character in the simplest possible way for you this Halloween, we can’t miss her hairstyle. The hairstyles she has in the TV series are many but the braid and at the same time the loose appearance of her hair are always present! I will show the simplest way to recreate her hairstyle. Daenerys has silver-blond hair for which House Targaryen has always been known for. If your hair is below the shoulders, you will not need to use a wig, only the appropriate hair color spray. You can buy the special Daenerys Targaryen wig with an already made braid, but I do not see the point in doing that. In the worst case scenario you will need a simple long blonde wig! Since I decided to cut my hair last year, I will show you step by step how to make the braids on my friends’ hair. Let’s begin:

All you need is:
> Silver-blond wig or a similar color hair spray
>Two silicone bands (if you are using a wig – elastic bands with a hooks)
>Curling iron (optional)



  1. First start with separating the hair in the middle.DSCF1388-1
  2. Take the front part of the hair and comb it good for better results.DSCF1389
  3. Start braiding the usual French braid, but every time you flip the top or bottom side of the braid take a strand of hair from the rest of the hair. The looser it is, the better. (Do not be scared of your baby hairs! The hairspray does wonders!)DSCF1390-1
  4. When you reach the center of your head stop taking strands from the rest of the hair and just continue with the braiding. Tie it up with the silicone band. If you are doing this on a wig be very careful! The strains of the wig easily tangle themselves up and fall. For this reason I recommend you to use elastic bands with a hooks. They are less likely to tangle up and mess up youр wig. If you have not used them before, try using them on your own hair. If you cannot find these useful bands, try using a normal thin hair band (not a silicone one!)DSCF1395-1
  5. Repeat the branding on the other side. In the book, Daenerys’ hair is straight, but in the movie it is wavy. You can achieve the same effect in one of these ways: curling iron, hair straightener, if you go to bed with a bun or a braid…DSCF1399
  6. Do not forget to pull out your strains of hair to the front. They are really ladylike.Quick tip —> If you are using a hair color spray, first braid your hair and then spray it.

I decided to show you the easiest way to recreate the hairstyle (suitable for you daily routine), since using a wig is not easy. That is why you have to be careful. But trust me, the only thing you need is patience! Depending on the type of hair, you can change the hairstyle. Just try different ways to do it and be creative. Strive more towards a middle aged look and not as much towards Daenerys’ in the TV series. For me the most important part of the hairstyle is to look good on you and to feel good too – majestic and fabulous; at the same time strong and gentle! Rediscover your Daenerys!


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