Christmas table decoration

It`s only the first week of December but I have already started to decorate for Christmas because the good things happen slowly. I know that sometimes we overdecorate our homes only because we want to get that Christmas spirit. For that reasons now I`m presenting you a beautiful and stylish idea for table decoration. I think that the easiest furniture to decorate is a table. I recommend to avoid putting any garlands on the edges of the table. You can`t go wrong with a decoration in the center of the table. Remember – symmetry and balance! So let`s start:

All you need:
> Glass container (any shape)
> Fake snow or salt
> Christmas ornaments (Christmas tree, deer, stars, angels, mini cones)
> Decorative dish

DSCF1688Start with cleaning your glass container well.

DSCF16892. If your living-room table is glass, I recommend to put a decorative dish below your container.

DSCF16913. Put around 3-4 inches of the fake snow or salt in the glass container.

DSCF16944. First put in the biggest ornament. If you arrange it in the center you would have only space for the smallest ornaments. (It`s a good decision for people who like that plane and simply decoration.) So don`t put in the biggest ornament in the center.

DSCF16955. Then arrange your middle-size ornaments. In my case it`s a sweet deer.

DSCF16986. Finish the decoration with arranging the smallest ornaments. And you are done!

Here I`m presenting you similar decoration but with more ornaments:DSCF1703

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