PSI: Why Disegno?

Disegno is the world’s leading quarterly journal dedicated to long-form independent reporting and critical writing on design. 

Disegno includes a mixture of reportage, photoessays, profiles, critical discussion, interviews, reviews and roundtables. Covering design, architecture, fashion, urbanism, graphics and technology, Disegno also provides political commentary, academic analysis, arts photography and discussion of current affairs for a design-interested audience. Disegno also runs an events programme that includes workshops, lectures, walks, panel discussions, podcasts, exhibitions and parties. This large arrange of design types of work make this magazine a perfect choice to put the interview with Tobias Van Schneider in it. It is a publish that reveals the vast world of design and push the reader to exploration. After going trough number of different magazines, I believe that Disegno match perfectly with the case.


As Johanna Ross, founder and publication director, says that this magazine is “for reading”. And Tobias definitely has something to say!

There are not a certain types of templates using in Disegno. Everything is very diverse and artistic, but still very attractive, which match perfectly with Van Schneider style.



The magazine layout has no side tabs naming the type of article or similar. The only thing is the page number, centered in the bottom, but still placed in the page as part of all the graphics, texts and photos. The interesting part is the text layout, very often used really large font and lots of information, that attracts the eye.


Photos Source: Disegno web page


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