Spooky hairbands

Halloween is coming and the spooky figures like ghosts and skulls are everywhere around us. While browsing Pinterest this photo pop out and quickly become my inspiration. In this post I am showing you how to recreate this skull hairband. It is pretty unique and perfect idea for bringing Halloween vibes even of you are not going to wear a costume.

All you need:
> Clay
> Black paint
> Metallic paint
> Glue
> Pin

1. Take a little piece of the clay and shape it into a round in your palms.
Quick tip —> Use a little water to shape the clay easier and to get smoother result.

2. Strech out the bottom part of the piece using the thumb and index finger. Try to leave the top part still round.

3. Make the tip as pointed as you could.

4. Then flatten the top part and make a stroke in the middle.

5. Mark where the holes for the eyes and nostrils will be using the pin.

6. Then remove the clay form this points to make holes. The depth should be around the middle of the clay piece.

7. Using the head of the pin make some strokes around the eyes and nose to recreate the 3D effect.

8. Wait to dry or bake your clay (it depends on its type). Pain the skull with black acrylic or tempera paint.

9. When the paint is dry, put some metallic paint on your finger and go through the surface of the skull. Don’t repaint it just make it like an accent.
Quick tip –> If you can not figure it out check out my video in which I show you this method.

10. Your last step is to glue the skull to a hair band. Use string glue and while the glue is drying stretch out the band a few times so it could dry well. And you are done!

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on IG with #yhour
and on my FB page!

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