Fruit Lemonade

In this hot weather all we want is something cold and refreshing. In this post I am sharing with you a super easy an affordable way to make a fruit lemonade.

All you need:
> Berry fruit or lemon
> Sugar
> Ice
> Soda or Sprite

1. Our first step is to make a fruit syrup. This will be our flavor for the drink. To make it simply put some fruit (berries work the best) or sliced lemon in a bowl. Then put large amount of sugar over them. Put this in the fridge for one night.

2. Get the bowl out in the morning. And you should have some nice fruit syrup. Very tasty!

3. Now pour some of it in a glass. If you want a stronger flavor simply use more syrup.

4. Add some ice to cool it even more. You can also ad some mint leaf or small fruits.

5. To finish up the drink, pour some soda or Sprite in the glass. And you are done! The lemonade is really refreshing and nice! 

Don`t forget to share with me your recreation on IG with #yhour
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