DFTBA canvas

I have some more ideas, insipired by my mini-trip to Europe. Today, I`m presenting you a DFTBA canvascanvas idea with an insipring quote on it. In this case it’s DFTBA (Don`t Forget To Be Awesome). A quote which is very positive and it makes you the best version of yourself. And I believe in that way you will be more beneficial.

I saw this canvas (and many more) in one really cool shop for home decorations. All the canvases looked as if they were just printed pictures. But I decided that I can do it myself ( for less than 35€ ). And, of course, show you how to make your own:

All you need:
> Canvas
> Self-adhesive paper sheet
> Paint (acrilyc, tempera or oil)
> Sponge
> Scissors and pen

DFTBA canvas1. First find a template of the letters you need. I use plastic ones, but, as you can see, I didn`t have the right letters, so I just changed them a bit.  You can print yur own or draw them but don`t forget to adjust them to the mesurements of your canvas. And, of course, you can write your own inspiring quote.

DFTBA canvas2. Outline the letters on the self-adhesive paper and cut them.

DFTBA canvas3. Unstick the backside of the paper

DFTBA canvasand place the letters in place. Arange them however you want!

DFTBA canvas4. Start to cover the canvas with paint. The original picture was with this nebula or galaxy effect, so I decided to create mine in this way too. I start with the light blue. I use acrilycs paint because they are the best ones for this case. But you can use tempera or oil too. I` m not very sure about the final results with oil paint but if you fancy them – try them out !

DFTBA canvas5. I continued with darker blue. The way I paint was simple – just aply few drops of paint on the canvas and with the edge of the sponge tap over them. That way you will cover the canvas really quick and it`s a perfect way to mix the colours. With that technique you can easily recreate this nebula or galaxy effect.

DFTBA canvas6. Continue until you are happy with the result.

DFTBA canvas7. Peel off the letters. Beneath them you will have clear canvas.

DFTBA canvas8. Finally, if you have some unwanted spots with paint – Don`t worry! Apply some solvent on your finger or piece of cloth and wipe the exess paint out. The solvent for tempera is water; for acrilycs or oil is turpentine. That way the unwanted paint should disappear or atleast fade out. If you still want, you can cover the spot with white paint, using a brushAnd there you go!

DFTBA canvas

And don`t forget to be awesome!

DFTBA canvasDFTBA canvas

You can show me your recreations on Instagram with #yhour

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